Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Movie My Life

I have finally come across a "new" designer that I have decided will be my new favourite. Pardon the fashion blog newbie, but I have to admit that I am still most familiar with only the most known and copied-by-China-to-sell-at-cheapo-markets labels like Gucci, Prada, and the ever present Louis Vuitton.

So recently, while investing my time in browsing through a site filled with perfectly structured faces and stick thin bodies, I came across Fashion Week photos for Fall-Winter 2010. Among the top featured shows was that of Y3.

The photos were in black and white so nothing that had to do with colour attracted me, but the concept was interesting. There were models sent to run up and down the runway, and there were more sets of models that walked out, took off their trenchcoats and tossed them at the crowd. Fun, fun.

Although quite frankly the lack of coloured photos made the clothes appear less appealing. But out of boredom (the legally accepted term for procrastination), I decided to google HIM: Yohji Yamamoto.

This is what I found:

This is just one of his many creations that involved black with punches of bright colours. Note how it is casual but not too ordinary to suit only the very best of wall flowers.

And then I found even more photos from the same show:

Yes, the whole male navel peaking out at you thing bothers me too a bit, but that's not the point.

Ever since I started designing and making port folios for class I developed a liking towards darker skin tones because let's face it: darker skin tones look good in bright colours and crazy combinations (not that black and red is anywhere near crazy). Besides, I think that there are too little darker skinned models. Which is funny because I think a lot of them are extremely attractive.

Hmmm.... just thinking, since we seem to have the same leaning towards using such models, wouldn't it be great if by some chance when he googles himself next time, he stumbles upon my blog? Yeah...then he can be all "hmmm... we have the same taste and she mentioned designing. She can be my protege!"

Hahaha. Well, some people do have movie-quality lives. Why not mine?

P.S. If you know Yohji Yamamoto by any chance please drop him my name!

*Images were pulled from hiddengarments.cn and fashiondailymag.com and are not being used by me for any commercial purposes

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